If you're a salon-goer, your hairstylist may have asked you during the consultation or at the shampoo bowl, "what does your hair care routine look like?" Most of us would say shampoo, conditioner, maybe some styling product and we call it a day. But did you know that when it comes to shampooing your hair, it can be beneficial to shampoo your hair twice instead of just once? It may sound like a waste of product, but keep reading I promise theres good reason behind it and ya'll know I like science so here we go.
The reason why we would want to double shampoo is to rid the scalp of dirt, debris, and bacteria. This isn't always possible depending on how often you go between shampooing, how thick your density is, and how much product you use on a daily basis. Think of it this way: more product on the hair = more of a barrier to your scalp. So we need to cleanse that off. The first shampoo is going to remove product buildup and residue from the hair. Then the second shampoo goes into do a deep cleanse of oils and bacteria from the scalp now that the barrier of the buildup has been cleansed away from the first shampoo.
Now, a double shampoo is awesome and will leave your hair feeling squeaky-clean, but it isn't for everyone. For those who wash every other day or for those with finer hair types or sensitive scalps, double shampooing can actually cause your scalp to become dry or cause dandruff. For these people I would love to recommend a product like K18 Detox clarifying shampoo or Amika's Reset treatment to remove excess dirt and debris from the scalp.
A couple parting reminders:
Remember the scalp produces oil, the ends of your hair do not. So you only need to shampoo the scalp not your ends.
After double shampooing / clarifying, we want to remember to reset the hair's pH with a hydrating conditioner. I personally love Amika's Hydro Rush or for those recovering from damage, The Kure conditioner is great too.
Thank you for reading December's Blahg. I'd love to answer any questions you may have! Please comment if you have any questions, comments, or any topics you'd like me to cover in future Blahg posts. I appreciate you all and I'll see you next month on January's Blahg 💖